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international college of christian ministries

Excel in everything – in faith, in speech, [and] in knowledge…
– 2 Corinthians 8:7



Are you wondering if ICCM is right for you? Below are some frequently asked questions about the program.

Yes. The California Bureau of Postsecondary Education approved our application for the founding of the ICCM in 2012. We received the “Verification of Exempt Status” which allows the ICCM to grant Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Ministry according to “our” Biblical doctrines and standards.

Selection into the program comes by recommendation from your ministry leader in the church based on a few criteria. For more information please see below in the degree requirements.

Attendance outside of recommendation or approval is permissible if you are interested in sitting in on a session to get a live preview of the curriculum.

There are specific pre-quals for getting accepted according to different degree levels. Please see the degree requirements below for more information.

This is a 2 year program with a 1 month break in between each semester.

The timeline for the Masters program varies and is tailored to the individual that goes through the program.

Group class sessions are once a month in which students take a quiz, are given a lesson and receive the syllabus for the next session. 

Students from International Christian Churches across the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, including Chicago, Columbus, Eugene, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle aspiring to serve in the full-time ministry, administration, charity services, and shepherding – are gathering for this hybrid Bachelor’s program of virtual, synchronous classes and practicum-based internships in their local congregations. Cesar & Debbie Limon serve as the President and Dean of Women for ICCM-Chicago.

Students from all over the world desiring to attain the Master’s in Ministry degree seek “mastery” in the areas of persuasive writing, exegesis, and church building and overseeing. The leadership team that runs the hybrid (online and apprentice-based training) Master’s Program is serving various ministries throughout Chicago, Illinois, and includes the Dean of the Master’s Program, John A. Causey III.

bachelors program

There are three prerequisites to being accepted into the ICCM to earn the prestigious BA Degree: 1) The applicant must be at least one year old in the Lord; 2) The applicant must be trained and serving as a Bible Talk Leader; and 3) The applicant must be recommended by a Full-time Ministry Individual. After being accepted, the following course work is required:


(7 months followed by a one month break.)

  • The reading of the 66 Books of the Bible and the memorization of each of their authors, dates of writing, themes, targeted audiences, outlines and key Scriptures.
  • Also tested on each of the monthly exams will be one of the six foundational sermons of the SoldOut Movement: The Dream; Glorifying God; Structure, Order And Protocol; A Greater Glory; Jesus And Paul: The Innovators Of The True Women’s Liberation Movement; and The River Of God.
  • Reflection Papers on each of the following books: The Master Plan Of Evangelism (Coleman); The Disciplined Life (Taylor); A Voice In The Wind (Rivers); Five Love Languages (Chapman); Tale Of Three Kings (Edwards); and This Present Darkness (Peretti).
  • The reading of all the Good News Emails and CAICC Bulletins during the semester.
  • The reading of Revolution Through Restoration I, II and III.
  • Obtaining a passport and participating in the European Missions Conference in London, the Central & South American Missions Conference in Santiago, or visiting an international Crown of Thorns Church.


  • The monthly exams will cover the practical ministry sermons: The Ten Commandments Of Preaching; Jesus’ Bible Talk; and Writing Changes The World.
  • The memorization of the geographic map of the United States of America – states and their capitals – as well as the names of the leaders of all the SoldOut Movement Churches in America.
  • The memorization of the geographic map of all European, Central & South American, and Caribbean Nations, as well as the names of the leaders of all the SoldOut Movement Churches in these nations.
  • A Reflection Paper on the book – Biblical Preaching (Robinson, Second Edition).
  • A Reflection Paper on A History Of The Spread Of Christianity In Modern Times (Harding) at
  • The reading of all the Good News Emails and CAICC Bulletins during the semester.
  • A Report on the European Missions Conference or “Where And How To Plant A Church.”
  • Purchase the Pulpit Commentary App or Hardbound Copies.


  • The purchase and reading of the 2,148 page Two Volume Set of the Baker Exegetical Commentary On The Book Of Luke (Bock).
  • The memorization of the five page outline by Bock of the Book of Luke (pp. 44-48).
  • The monthly exams also cover the Sermons on the different chapters of the Book of Luke preached at the previous ICCM Session.
  • The memorization of the geographic map of all African, Asian and Southern Hemisphere Nations, as well as the names of the leaders of the SoldOut Movement Churches in these nations.
  • At each monthly ICCM Session, a sermon outline on an assigned chapter of Luke will be due that the student uses to preach at a Midweek Service.
  • The reading of all the Good News Emails and CAICC Bulletins during the semester.
  • Participating in the European Missions Conference in London, the Central & South American Missions Conference in Santiago, or visiting an international Crown of Thorns Church.


  • The monthly exams will cover sermons on the World Religions: Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Atheism.
  • Scripture memory work associated with refuting the false doctrines in “Christendom” and the World Religions will be included on the exam.
  • Three Research Papers will be written on three Protestant Denominations of each student’s choice.
  • The reading of all the Good News Emails and CAICC Bulletins during the semester.

Throughout this two year period, the following “practicums” must be completed:

  • 200 Certified hours of Staff Lessons and Leadership Conferences.
  • 200 Certified hours of Bible Talk Leaders Meetings.
  • 200 Certified hours of Small Group Bible Discussions.
  • 200 Certified hours of Personal Mentoring Time.

You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine.

– Titus 2:1

masters program

There are three prerequisites: 1) The applicant must earn an ICCM Bachelor’s Degree; 2) The applicant must pass the Old Testament Entrance Exam; and 3) The applicant must pass the New Testament Entrance Exam. The ICCM Master’s Curriculum roadmap has three modules:

Scripture & theology

  • The following books are to be read and exams will be administered on:Introducing The New Testament Survey (Powell) and Old Testament Survey (LaSor, Hubbard and Bush).
  • A Reflection Paper of 6-8 pages is required for each of the following books: How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth (Fee and Stuart) and How We Got The Bible (Lightfoot).


  • For the Four Volume Set of The Search For The Ancient Order (West), two exams will be administrated: Exam 1 – Volumes 1 & 2; Exam 2 – Volumes 3 & 4.
  • A Reflection Paper of 10-12 pages is required for: Church History In Plain Language (Shelly).

practicals in ministry

  • The following book is to be read and an exam will be administered: Answering Islam (Geisler and Saleeb).
  • A Reflection Paper of 6-8 pages is required for the following books: The Master Plan Of Evangelism (Coleman); Lost Women Of The Bible (James); Rejoice Always (Shapiro and Shapiro).
  • 400 Certified hours of Staff Meetings, Leadership Meetings and/or Church Leadership Conferences – either in leadership or by participation.

To complete the ICCM Master’s Program there must be a proficiency in a second language (for mission work) or a one year university level course in Hebrew or Greek (for in-depth Bible study). To conclude the ICCM Master’s Degree, a 30 page Thesis will be written on a topic of interest to the student and approved by an overseeing faculty member.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

– 1 Peter 3:15

doctorate degree

For the ICCM Doctorate Degree there are four major requirements:

  • Earn the ICCM Master’s Degree.
  • The effective overseeing of multiple churches for a minimum of three years through one of the four tracks – Ministry, Shepherding, Charity Services or Administration.
  • 1,000 Certified hours of Staff Meetings, Leadership Meetings and/or Church Leadership Conferences – either in leadership or by participation.
  • At least a 100 page Dissertation on a topic of interest to the student and approved by an overseeing faculty member – written in book form – that will be added to our new SoldOut Movement Online Library.



Achieves proficiency in Biblical exegesis & hermeneutics, apologetics, writing, leadership development, organizational management, and administration systems oversight.


Achieves mastery in BA skill-set and develops mastery in motivational, apologetic, and institutional advancement communications, as well as has the capacity to oversee multiple churches and/or specialized ministries.


Achieves mastery in developing, training, and overseeing Master’s-level qualified ministers.


The ICCM’s motto is Venia et Veritas – Grace and Truth!


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

– Isaiah 6:8


All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

– Proverbs 14:23


Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,

– Matthew 20:26


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

– 1 Timothy 4:8


The International College of Christian Ministries (ICCM) was founded in 2012 in Los Angeles, California to prepare Christian ministers for pastoral service to communities of believers around the world in the International Christian Church fellowship. Consider Paul urging his son in the faith, Timothy, in the first century, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (New International Version – 1984, 2 Timothy 2:1-2)

This “school of prophets” (2 Kings 2:3-5) is not a substitute for Jesus’ plan to train ministers by walking with them side-by-side for a period of years. (Mark 3:13) The SoldOut Movement Leadership believes that “our appointed ministers” – Evangelists, Women’s Ministry Leaders, Shepherds, Shepherdesses, MERCY Directors and Administrators – are among the best trained and most effective in all Christendom. Whereas most Christian Denominations have “seminaries” that offer degrees, what we have lacked hitherto is the vehicle to accredit the robust and dynamic course of training that our leaders already undertake, while augmenting our present efforts with more classroom oriented Biblical studies.


— Dr. Kip McKean

Combining the academic training in theology, religious history, apologetics, and persuasive writing with the practical skills of pastoral ministry, leadership development, and church building, students in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs will be well-prepared to communicate powerful, life-changing truths from a biblical perspective for the spiritual growth of the diverse congregations they will be serving.

The European “degree system” i.e. Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate, has been one of the most successful European cultural exports in history. The doctorate (Latin: doceo for “I teach”) appeared in medieval Europe as a license to teach (Latin: licentia docendi) at a medieval university. Its roots can be traced to the early church when the term “doctor” referred to the Apostles, church fathers, and other Christian authorities who taught and interpreted the Bible. Originating in Medieval Europe, this academic program is now present in almost every part of the world, even amongst nations like China, India, or even Saudi Arabia – who have not always been viewed as being “pro-western culture!” This degree system has been fully embraced globally, almost without exception, as the most legitimate indication of competency and qualification in a given professional field.

As our dear friend, leader, and Global Chancellor of ICCM comments:


“Modern Christendom” lacks the impact of its first-century roots because it has strayed so far from the Scriptures. As the prophet Hosea lamented, “[God’s] people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) Prayerfully, in the future because of the deeply instilled convictions from the Word of God and its principles through the ICCM, the SoldOut Movement will “boast in the Lord” that her people and her unified leaders who taught them, will “excel in everything: in faith, in speech, [and] in knowledge…” (2 Corinthians 8:7) Therefore, the ICCM is dedicated to the glory of Jesus Christ; hence, our motto comes from John 1:14, Venia et Veritas – “Grace and Truth.” So, in the words of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America: "The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world." And to God be all the glory!


— Dr. Kip McKean